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The bet365 of Literature and Media of our bet365 held an entrepreneurial themed bet365 on "Dare to Fight to Win"

Author: Hu Songwu Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: bet365 of Literature and Media Published: 2019-12-10 Clicks:

On the afternoon of December 5th, the bet365 of Literature and Media held a unique lecture in classroom 10T11, inviting the founder of Qiaodi Listed Education Group, Master of Industrial Economics, founder of Jianyi Thinking Online Business bet365, nonlinear Shi Bin, the founder of Profit Model Theory, served as the keynote speaker.

The theme of this bet365 is "You will win if you dare to fight". During the bet365, Teacher Shi Bin recalled his student career. What he was most grateful for was that he met a good class teacher who gave him the opportunity to express his talents and paved the way for future success.

Throughout the bet365, Teacher Shi Bin has been emphasizing that “you will win only if you dare to fight hard”. He believes that for contemporary college students, "dare" is more important than "knowledge". Before entering society, only "dare" can get more opportunities and bravely venture into it regardless of one's own safety.

Shi Bin, founder of Qiaodi Listed Education Group, gave an entrepreneurial bet365 on "You Will Win If You Dare to Fight"
