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“Citizen Lecture Hall” enters Xi’an bet365 online games

Author: Hu Songwu Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: School of Literature and Media Published: 2019-06-05 Clicks:

On June 4, the "Citizen Lecture Hall" came to Xi'an bet365 online games. Ma Xuzhou, a cadre of the Propaganda Department of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, gave a themed report titled "Socialist Core Values." Students of the 11th Qingma Class of our school listened to this report.

Teacher Ma vividly explained the basic characteristics and characteristics of the socialist core value system from the aspects of what are socialist core values, why we should cultivate and practice socialist core values, and how to cultivate and practice socialist core values. The fundamental nature emphasizes the significance and importance of socialist core values.

Ma Xuzhou: Member of the Communist Party of China, a cadre of the Propaganda Department of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, an advanced individual in grassroots propaganda and ideological and cultural work in Shaanxi Province. The research report he wrote won the first prize for ideological and political research results in the province, and the project he undertook won the provincial and municipal key social science projects. .
