Han,Independent persons, university degree, bachelor's degreeDegree、Accountant;Previous positionsCFO and chairman of the board of supervisors of a large company and group company to be listedEqual position.Served concurrentlyVisiting researcher of China Academy of Management Sciences,Xi’an City, Shaanxi ProvinceDeputy to the 18th National People's Congress of Chang'an District. nowRen bet365 online betting login Translation CollegeChairman of the Supervisory Board。
Job responsibilities:Comprehensive management of the schoolSupervisory BoardWork,Supervision and Protection校Asset,Perform supervisory functions. attendSchoolBoard of Directors and校Business Council,Deliberation学校MajorMatters,Deliberation Science校各项Are the rules and regulations in compliance with laws and regulations。To the Board of Directors and School Committee membersis performing its duties in compliance with regulationsSupervision.RegularTissue examinationChaxue校Finance情Situation, carry out internal audit work in a planned manner.
Responsible organization:Audit Office、Legal Office、Transcreation University Park
ContactUnit:Logistics Group